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How A Chiropractor Might Help The Cause Of Your Neck Pain To Heal

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Whether you're having neck pain due to an injury, bad posture, or sleeping on your neck wrong, you can feel miserable. If your neck feels stiff and it hurts to turn your head, or if your neck hurts all the time, you may want to see a chiropractor for treatment.

Here are some ways a chiropractor might help your neck pain.

Chiropractic Treatments 

Your chiropractor can choose from a few approaches for treating neck pain. They might apply high-velocity thrusts to your neck, pull on your neck with traction, manually and gently move the vertebrae in your neck, or use a moving table to give you an adjustment. Some of these treatments might cause a cracking or popping sound, but that's normal and to be expected.

The chiropractic treatments open up your neck to relieve pressure on nerves. You might feel immediate relief from pain, but it's common to need a series of treatments for neck pain.

Posture Coaching

Since a chiropractor treats you holistically, they may also coach you on improving your posture. If poor posture contributes to your neck pain, learning how to sit and sleep with good posture could be important for your recovery. This could involve learning to do exercises that strengthen and balance the core muscles that support your back, neck, and spine so you can maintain good posture.

Massage Treatments

Massage might help your neck pain, especially if the pain is caused by muscle spasms. A massage can relax muscles to relieve painful spasms. Massage can also improve blood flow to the area to help it heal. A massage can also break up scar tissue that contributes to pain when you move your neck.

Ultrasound Treatments

You might have difficulty taking chiropractic treatments for neck pain right after your injury due to pain. Your chiropractor might try to relieve pain with ultrasound treatments. These treatments heat up the tissues under your skin to speed healing around your spine in the neck area. The heat can also relax the muscles, relieve spasms, and reduce pain.

Lifestyle Coaching

Your chiropractor might also advise you on lifestyle changes you need to make so you stop straining your neck and give it a chance to heal. This might include texting or using a tablet in an ergonomic way so your neck isn't under strain. You might also be taught the proper way to sit at your work desk so your neck and head are held in the proper position.

The chiropractor might even talk to you about diet since your neck needs proper nutrition to heal. The goal of your chiropractic treatments is to help your neck heal rather than just treat the pain. When your neck heals, the pain goes away for good.

To learn more about how to heal neck pain, contact a company like Eric Schmetterling DC.
