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3 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help With Your Migraines

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Migraines are miserable. With about 12% of the American population suffering from them, many people are seeking relief. Thankfully chiropractors can help. Chiropractors are an often overlooked source of migraine relief. Read on to see how they can help.

A Chiropractor Can Detect Your Pain

Migraine treatment starts with your first appointment with a chiropractor. If musculoskeletal issues cause your migraines, your chiropractor will be able to figure out what part of your body is causing the problem. 

Your chiropractor will use a host of tools to make a diagnosis. Your chiropractor will interview you, perform an exam, and utilize X-rays if necessary to diagnose the source of your migraines. 

The most important of these tools may be the physical exam. Your chiropractor will examine how you move and how responsive your nerves are. These actions can pinpoint the exact muscles and portions of your spine having issues. 

Restore Proper Blood Flow

Another way a chiropractor's treatments help with migraines is by restoring proper blood flow to your brain. 

During a migraine, your blood vessels widen, allowing increased blood flow to your brain. This increased blood flow is like a flash flood to your brain, straining tissues and vessels until they feel close to bursting. This increased flow causes the classic symptoms of swelling, blurred vision, and incredible pain. 

So how can chiropractors help with blood flow? Sometimes muscle spasms and poor spinal alignment lead to pressure being applied to blood vessels and nerves - causing mixed signals in your body - and causing your migraines. A chiropractor helps treat migraines by restoring normal blood flow to your brain through spinal adjustments.

Restore Muscle Function

So we know that poor alignment can lead to lousy nerve signals and poor blood flow to your brain. When your spine isn't aligned correctly, your muscles have to work harder to support your body. When your muscles work too hard, they can become fatigued and spasm. These spasms can contribute to issues that cause migraines. 

When a chiropractor performs regular adjustments, it moves your spine back into the proper position. These adjustments also allow overstretched muscles due to spine misalignments to reset and relax. Over time, with regular adjustments, your muscles will strengthen and be able to support your spine in the proper position.

If it sounds like chiropractic treatment may help alleviate your migraines, you should reach out for a consultation with a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatments may be just the thing you need to reduce the frequency of your migraines. 

For more information on chiropractic care for migraines, contact a professional near you.
