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Avoiding Back Pain At The Office: Four Simple Steps To Take

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Sitting behind a desk all day can cause some back pain and discomfort. The wrong posture can result in lower back pain, and long stretches of inactivity can leave your back feeling sore and strained. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help avoid this type of discomfort and make your workdays a bit easier. Use the following tips to help prevent back pain if you work in an office setting.

Upgrade Your Desk Chair

The right chair can provide support for your lower back, neck, legs, and upper back. Look for a chair that's fully adjustable so you can customize the fit for your frame. Height adjustment is a great first step, but chairs with adjustable built-in lumbar support can help reduce lower back pain and leave you feeling refreshed throughout the day. Adjustable-height arms can put your upper body at a perfect position for typing, and back height adjustment functions can help ensure your whole back is properly supported. Be sure that your new chair features plush padding for added comfort.

Invest In An Activity Tracker

Activity trackers can do more than help you stay on top of your workout goals. You can use the app connected to an activity tracker to set reminders for movement throughout the day. Whenever the alert goes off, take a break from sitting to stretch your body. This can simply be a walk around the office or a few stretches for your legs, back, and arms. If you have a private office in your building, consider adding an exercise ball or another small piece of workout equipment you can use to stay active throughout the workday.

Visit A Chiropractor

A chiropractor at a clinic such as Davison Chiropractic can help soothe lower back pain, and he or she can also help you keep the spine aligned properly to prevent future discomfort. Discuss your work routine with the chiropractor as well as any aches and pains you are experiencing. He or she can recommend different treatments, such as back alignment or acupuncture, to help your back stay in great shape.

Rethink Your Shoes

Wearing high heels or stiff dress shoes may help you look the part at the office, but the wrong pair of footwear can change the way you walk. This can result in back pain, heel pain, and other physical problems. Look for a pair of shoes with proper arch support and comfortable insoles. You can find shoes that look great without causing undue stress and strain on your body. If you are unsure about where to find the right shoes for your back, talk to your chiropractor or personal physician. He or she may be able to refer you to footwear stores that specialize in supportive shoes that are appropriate for office environments.
