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3 Main Causes For Your Lower Back Pain And How To Treat It

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Having lower back pain can make life difficult. It can leave you feeling irritated, restless, and entirely uncomfortable. This is one of the most common ailments people visit chiropractors for, and something that can be treated. Back pain exists in the form of spasms, deep muscle aches, stiffness, and even disc displacement. Learn what the 3 main causes of lower back pain are and how you can treat your symptoms.


Hunching yourself over a computer desk or other type of repetitious back-straining work can cause lower back pain. Posture is usually to blame for this. Stand up straight and pull your shoulders back as if you are trying to balance a book on your head. This helps to straighten your spine and take pressure off your joints and sciatic nerve. If your pain persists, see your chiropractor for readjustment of your muscles and spine to bring you further relief.


If your parents have bad backs, odds are you do, too. Disc issues are typically inherited, and you may have more nociceptive fibers in your back than other people. Nociceptic fibers are responsible for sending pain signals to your brain, and if you have these in great supply, even lifting your child off the floor can feel like a debilitating experience. Your chiropractor can help you learn ways you can move and stretch your back muscles to help reduce your pain symptoms and bring you relief.

Heavy lifting

You know the old adage of lifting with your knees, not with your back. If you are into heavy lifting on a daily basis for your job or just around the house, then your lower back can suffer as a result. You can remedy this pain by wearing a support belt when doing strenuous activity, like carrying a toddler through the mall or lifting bags of produce. Your chiropractor can also show you the best ways to lift and turn your back to prevent strain, and can recommend pain management techniques like hot and cold packs or mild stretching.

If you have lower back pain, you may have any of these reasons to blame for your suffering. Your chiropractor can help you not only ease your pain, but also help diagnose what causes your back issues to begin with. With proper posture, lifting, and treatment techniques, you can help your back be more limber every day. This can help end the pain you have been feeling.

For more information, get in touch with a service like Dorchester Chiropractic Inc.
