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Have Back Pain? These 3 Lifestyle Changes Can Help

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If you are one of the millions of people who suffer with back pain, you know how it can seem like a never-ending battle. You may take medication for the pain, but costs can add up, and some medication has side effects that you may not like. Luckily, there are some changes you can make to your lifestyle that may ease back pain. Here are just some of the lifestyle changes that can help.

Get Active with Exercise

When your back hurts, you may not feel like moving around very much. In fact, you may even think that exercise will make your back feel even worse. However, doctors are discovering that people who exercise have an easier time with back pain. Exercise improves your blood circulation, delivering healthy blood to the discs in your back. Not only that, but exercise can help lower muscle inflammation, which typically causes pain.  

Of course, before starting an exercise regiment, talk to your doctor. Be sure to stretch gently before exercising, and stop if you experience sharp pain.  

Avoid Carrying Too Much in Wallets and Handbags

You might not think about it too much, but your handbag or wallet may be causing a problem for your pack. If you are a woman, you very likely have an overflowing handbag that contains a lot of items. If you carry that bag on your shoulder all the time, shoulder pain that radiates to your back can result. Simply carrying less will help your back to feel a little better.

Men also have to be careful about what they carry inside their wallet. A bulging wallet that you are always sitting on can aggravate your sciatica nerve, and that can result in days of pain for you. Make sure you're only carrying the essentials, so that you don't give yourself any pain.

Eat a Healthy Diet

If you're eating a lot of fatty, sugary foods, you are likely picking up weight. As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts, which can put a lot more pressure on your back. Be conscious of what you're putting in your mouth at all times, so that you stick to lean meats, fresh produce and whole grains, all of which can provide your body with the right fuel to live well.

Other than the ideas in this article, there are still more things you can do to soothe the pain in your back. Talk to a chiropractor about other natural ways to get relief from back pain.
