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Women And Lower Back Pain: Two Preventive Measures You Can Take

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While both men and women can and do suffer form lower back pain, it is women who seem to experience this phenomenon more often than men. There is no one singular reason that this seems to be the case. However, it is clear that women and men's bodies differ in many ways that could make women simply more naturally prone to back pain. In order to help eradicate this problem and prevent lower back pain in women, you need to know the various steps that you can take to help keep lower back pain at bay. If you implement some of these strategies and changes into your regular routine, you can help to keep your back and spine as healthy as possible. 

Go To The Chiropractor Regularly

Many women do not take the time to take care of themselves on a regular basis, and as such, they will wait to go to the doctor or chiropractor until they are experiencing severe and debilitating pain. However, if you want to prevent lower back pain, this is not the strategy you want to apply.

Instead, you should make regular visits to the chiropractor a priority in your life. Chiropractic adjustments help to keep your spine properly aligned and to treat misalignments as they arise. If your spine is misaligned and remains that way for a prolonged period of time, you are likely to experience lower back pain, pinched nerves, and various other health problems.

Regular chiropractic adjustments will serve you well to prevent any back pain and find problems with the alignment of your spine early on. So, rather than wait until you experience excruciating pain, prevent it with routine visits. 

Change Your Footwear Habits

Women often have a love-hate relationship with their stylish shoes. On the one hand, the right pair of heels can take an outfit from so-so to fabulous. But on the other hand, those heels can cause you to wish you had never gotten out of your pj's and slippers in the morning. 

Women who wear high heels on a regular basis are more likely to experience chronic lower back pain. This is because the design of high heels throws the body out of balance causing a person to naturally lean forward. Your body tries to compensate for this by arching the back, pushing the chest forward and the buttocks out. 

This curve in the spine is unnatural and can cause misalignments in the spine and chronic nerve and muscle pain. To help alleviate this problem, try to wear high heels sparingly. If you currently wear such footwear every day, try wearing flats or more sensible shoes every other day to cut your time in high heels in half. Or, at the very least, choose shorter heel heights and wear inserts to help alleviate the pain and imbalance your high heels cause. 

These two preventive measures will help you to avoid the pitfalls of chronic lower back pain that so many women experience. Use these methods along with a healthy diet, exercise, and other preventive techniques to keep your back pain-free for as long as possible. Talk to experts like Smith Chiropractic for more information.
